It’s a fair question that deserves a straight answer. When we talk to homeowners, businesses owners, architects, and builders, we tell them we don’t build swimming pools, we create SRK HydroZone 3® Pools.
That statement invariably leads to any number of reasonable questions: How is it different from a regular swimming pool? What makes it so special? What is a HydroZone 3 Pool?
The answer is simple: A HydroZone 3 Pool provides an aquatic experience you can’t find anywhere else. Everything that goes into these amazing vessels supports that fundamental, experience-based concept.
It is a pool built to the highest possible technical standard that is designed to deliver a superior aquatic experience every time, all the time.
From the Beginning
The HydroZone 3 Pool begins and ends with the water. The HydroZone 3 treatment system far exceeds the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) water-quality guidelines for pools by generating water with layers of protection and water conditioning.
The combination of ozone, UV light, and very small levels of chlorine, along with the generation of hydroxyl radicals by way of advanced oxidation process, all conspire to create water that is clear, beautiful, and pure.
HydroZone 3 water is also safe. Every year, reports surface from the CDC about pool and spa water that’s contaminated and infectious with a host of possible waterborne diseases. In a HydroZone 3 Pool, you never have to worry about biological hazards because the water is always balanced and sanitized to perfection.
HydroZone 3 water sparkles and shimmers with crystalline clarity. It never smells, and it has a feel that is very difficult to describe. But once you’re in it, you immediately feel the difference — and want to return to it over and over again.
A Specific, Thought-out Process
All HydroZone 3 Pools are the result of a creative and sensitive process that is entirely client driven and based on creating synergy. There is no one-size-fits-all design. The intended use, desired temperature, aesthetic design preferences, setting, and environmental factors all drive specific engineering and design decisions.
These pools become an extension of our clients’ personalities, creativity, and ambition. In fact, it’s fair to say that we do not sell HydroZone 3 Pools but instead collaborate in their creation. Each one is unique and perfectly suited to our clients and their homes.
While there is no set menu, there are a host of specific technical issues and features that together define a HydroZone 3 Pool.
Technical Mastery
In addition to the state-of-the-art water treatment, all HydroZone 3 Pools feature perfectly balanced and efficient hydraulic and mechanical designs. For example, they all have complete water circulation inside the pool itself. Most swimming pools are riddled with dead spots that are not touched by freshly treated water. Those dead spots open the door to algae, biofilm, bacteria, and staining. We use carefully arranged returns in the floor or in the bottom of the walls, all laid out so that the water flow is uniform throughout the pool.
The same goes for skimmers. Removing that top inch of water from the entire pool surface is absolutely critical in maintaining impeccable water. Where most pools will have only one or two skimmers, HydroZone 3 Pools might have four to eight or more, depending on size, and they’re strategically located to maximize flow across the entire surface ensuring materials entering the pool through the surface are removed before they sink.
HydroZone 3 Pools have upsized filtration and heating systems. All too often, these basic components are inadequately sized and cannot keep up with the energy demand or bather loads. HydroZone 3 Pools are equipped with robust components that can maintain desired conditions at all times. Whether it’s in cold weather or in the presence of dozens of bathers, water temperature and quality will remain consistent.
Control and Convenience
Ergonomic design is another defining facet. Safe and comfortable entry and egress, seating areas, and desired water depth all play a role in making these pools enjoyable to use.
And, finally, HydroZone 3 Pools are smart pools. Recent years have seen great advancements in the ability to control and monitor all critical functions of the pool using smartphones and other devices. Not only do the automation control systems adjust to changing conditions in the pool, the systems will notify maintenance personnel the instant something isn’t right.
The HydroZone 3 Pool is an aggregate of all these elements and more.
We have now expanded the system and — being a flexible, modular system — we are now able to expand, reduce and completely customize it to meet each of our clients’ specific goals.