Indoor Air Quality – No Toxic Chemical Byproducts

Anyone who’s ever been inside a building that houses an indoor swimming pool most likely remembers how it smells, and it’s not usually a pleasant memory. The familiar “chlorine smell” can be overwhelming, and the foul air quality at the vast majority of indoor pool facilities can burn the eyes and even restrict breathing. When I look at lifeguards who spend hours in these environments, I wonder …

Troubled Waters: Part II – Building the Solution

…continued from part I   Previously, I described one of the most disastrous installations imaginable: a six-figure residential pool installed in sand on a bluff overlooking the ocean, with no soils report, no foundational structure of any kind, and a system that was basically unconscionable.    Now, we’ll leave all that bad stuff behind and talk about what we did …

Troubled Waters: Part I – A Pool On A Bluff

It’s a sad fact, but there’s no denying that the pool and spa industry has a questionable if not outright bad reputation. Ever since I can remember, fly-by-night companies have tainted the industry and, all too often, have left homeowners with serious to severe unresolved problems.   The following story is one of those situations, maybe the worst I’ve ever seen. Fortunately, it does have a …

Technologies of the Pool Industry – Staying Ahead of the Curve

There’s something terribly exciting about being ahead of the curve, out of the box, or on the cutting edge. Whichever adage you prefer, the idea is the same: thinking and acting differently from the status quo brings both thrills and risks. At Modern Pool Solutions, we wouldn’t want it any other way.    The thrills for us come with the advent of …

Cryptosporidium (Crypto) Outbreaks Are Increasing – SRK’s Modern Solution

On June 28, 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a comprehensive report on the rise of Cryptosporidium (crypto) outbreaks. It stated that from 2009–2017, 444 cryptosporidiosis outbreaks, resulting in 7,465 cases were reported by 40 states and Puerto Rico.   “Exposure to treated recreational water (e.g., in pools and water playgrounds) was associated with 156 (35.1%) outbreaks resulting in 4,232 (56.7%) cases. Other predominant …

How The HydroZone 3® Pool Evolved into SRK’s Modular Custom Water Systems

It’s a fair question that deserves a straight answer. When we talk to homeowners, businesses owners, architects, and builders, we tell them we don’t build swimming pools, we create SRK HydroZone 3® Pools. That statement invariably leads to any number of reasonable questions: How is it different from a regular swimming pool? What makes it …

A Costa Rican Case Study – A Long-Term Water Quality Solution

Bringing happiness into people’s lives is the greatest reward we experience in this business. We often develop great relationships with our clients as we get to know them and understand their aquatic wants and needs. Delivering the perfect pool can be a deeply personal process, and it’s common that we stay in touch with our …

Natural Swimming Pools – A Place in the Industry

New information can open your eyes and sometimes even present fresh opportunities. That’s why keeping an open mind is so important and why curiosity is such a powerful mental tool. We miss stuff when we’re not paying attention. However, I was not feeling that way as I made the four-hour drive to Newark, New Jersey, …

The Safe Use of Ozone in Water Treatment – Layers of Protection

I’ve long thought that ozone is arguably the pool industry’s most underused technology, primarily because of the perception that it’s difficult to control and potentially dangerous. One of the biggest hurdles of using ozone in a commercial pool is that, in most situations, you can’t run it 24 hours a day. The reason is concern …

SRK Custom Water Systems VS Alternatives

Both consumers and fellow professionals often ask me what’s so special about the SRK HydroZone 3 treatment system? It’s a valid question. After all, the market is flush with chemistry solutions that claim they are the best way to treat pool and spa water. What differentiates HydroZone 3 water from other solutions? For starters, HydroZone …