Addressing Tile and Coping Repairs – An Urgent Matter

Water may be the most wonderful and amazing of natural elements, but it also can be one of the most destructive. From its ability to carve the Grand Canyon to the slow rot that occurs when water finds its way into the walls of your home, you can never underestimate the damage it can do. …

Regarding Healthy Water – Ignorance Is Not Bliss

It’s one of the truly unfortunate traits of human nature — we tend to ignore what we cannot see. We’re an extremely visual species, and when something is invisible, there’s a strong tendency for us to think that it’s simply not there. What disturbs me the most about this characteristic is that it’s true even …

Parents and Water Worries – How to Relieve the Stress

All parents worry about their kids, it’s what we do. I fret every day over every aspect of my three kids’ lives. So much so, I’ve grown to accept that worry as a kind of life sentence, the price we pay for the greatest love we’ll ever experience. In fact, my impassioned journey into water …

The Argument Against Saltwater Pools

When discussing chemical treatment options for pools and spas, I’m often asked about saltwater chlorination. Many people have heard a lot of good things about it and are curious if it’s a good choice for them. I’ll come clean right here at the start and say that I am not an advocate of this technology, …

Why Involve A Water Quality Consultant – Earlier The Better

I’ve written about the beauty of building swimming pools and spas with water quality and serviceability in mind from the very start of a project. Although almost any body of water can be retrofitted with systems and features designed to generate quality, resilient water, it’s always better when it’s done right the first time. Unfortunately, …

Most Pools and Spas Are Contaminated – A Solution Exists

It’s become a rite of spring. Every year, for at least the last three years running, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) releases information about the spread of waterborne illnesses through contaminated water in pools, spas, and splash pads. The reports mainly focus on the risk of infection from Cryptosporidium and other …

Evaluating Return On Investment – The Value of Superior Water Quality

Recently, a prospective client asked a very telling question. We were discussing the benefits of using our system, which combines ozone, UV, and small amounts of chlorine, when the client asked, “What is the return on investment for our system as compared to using traditional chlorine-only sanitation?” It certainly wasn’t the first time I’ve been …

Embracing Water Quality Education – SRK’s Company Culture

For as long as I’ve worked in the aquatics industry, there’s always been a tremendous amount of talk about “education.” The basic patter is that our industry lacks formal educational opportunities, and if we want to be successful, both individually and as an industry, we have to up our game. While I generally agree with …

Sand Filtration – The Benefits

As I’ve written several times in these blogs, I’m a huge proponent of modern water-treatment technology. I believe we’re seeing developments right now that may have far-reaching impacts on how we manage water quality, both in pools and in public utilities and other applications. With all those big ideas in mind, it may come as …

Building and Designing Pools with Water Quality in Mind

A well-designed, installed, and maintained pool can truly be a thing of beauty. So much so it’s not surprising at all that homeowners and property owners tend to concentrate on aesthetics when they’re in the planning stages of purchasing a new pool or remodeling an old one. We humans are, after all, visual creatures by …