What Sets SRK Apart – Our Custom Water Systems

I’ve been asked what sets us apart from other pool builders. Why are we so different?    The short answer is because we are obsessed with excellence and cannot stand mediocrity. We are not pool builders; we are SRK HydroZone 3® designers. Exactly what that means cuts to the heart of how and why we at SRK Pools strive to deliver the absolute best aquatic experience available anywhere!    HydroZone 3  HydroZone 3 …

Pool Your Senses – Your 5 Senses Can Detect Water Quality Issues Accurately

Humans are the ultimate water sensors. We may not be able to precisely measure pH, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), or calcium hardness without testing technology, but when it comes to overall water quality, there is no better measure than the subjective sensory data we otherwise know as experience. The key to tapping into our remarkable …

Avoiding Obsolescence – Intelligent Systems Design and Service Stay Relevant

I’d like to ask a provocative question: have swimming pools become obsolete? That might seem surprising coming from an aquatic professional who earns his living in the pool/spa/aquatics industry, and it’s a question I’ve never heard from any other professional, or consumer for that matter. Yet, I think it’s something worth considering as we look …

Water Health – The Tipping Point in Commercial Pools

You don’t have to be a hydrologist to know that water has both a light and a dark side. On one hand, we know all about the existential importance of water as a natural resource, we simply cannot live without it. And, we know that water provides a spectrum of recreational activities and aesthetic appeal …

Water Quality and the Culinary Arts – The Connection

It might sound surprising, but I’ve long seen a direct connection between the culinary arts and maintaining the highest standard for water quality. I realize that at first blush the two don’t seem to have all that much in common, but when you look into what preparing great food and providing superior water quality are …

Hydrotherapy – How Water Saved My Life

When you’re as passionate as I am about water quality and, indeed, all things aquatic, it’s natural that some other people might wonder what motivates such an all-encompassing level of interest. It’s a valid question: why is water and its proper care such a huge deal for me? As I’d imagine is true of many …

Sensing Water Quality – What Our Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Ears and Skin Tell Us

As is true of most endeavors in which us humans diligently apply ourselves, the art and science of recreational water treatment become more complex and sophisticated as time goes along. Yet, for all of the sanitizing, filtration, balance and testing methods at our disposal these days, you don’t really need to know anything about those …